Our search for tasty coffee was aided this year by our friend and coffee producer Rodolfo, from El Salvador. His tip paid off because this coffee is really rather wonderful! It is produced by farmer Orlando Ospina and his wife Emilcen Sanchez (on the left) on their farm Finca La Maria in La Mesa in the department of Cundinamarca. This geisha variety is grown at between 1660 - 1750 masl and they carried a honey process (although they mixed in a little natural process with this lot afterwards for good measure). 
Alongside the Honey process Gesha produced by farmer Orlando Ospina and his wife Emilcen Sanchez we bought a natural version as well! As you can imagine it is as stunning a geisha as we have ever tasted but with a bit more funk.
Emilcen and Orlando are perfect examples of coffee producers who are skilled (Orlando is an agronomist) and committed to cultivating  really amazing delicious coffee. In the cup you’ll find those classic floral Gesha notes with a juicy sweetness of orange and grapefruit!