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APAX Lab NANO - 20ml
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APAX Lab NANO - 20ml

Water is one of the main ingredients in coffee. The thing that makes the cookie crumble so to speak. And if your cookie crumbler isn't top notch then the cookie just ain't crumbling right. Know what I mean?

Now let's take this same idea and think about water in coffee. Tap water just doesn't cut it, and remineralising your own water with a recipe of minerals is both time consuming and beyond the remit of most of our knowledge. APAX Lab have decided to make this easier by producing their line of mineral drops. 

These mineral concentrates are made of demineralised water and analytical reagent grade minerals (AR), ensuring very high levels of purity.

This box contains: TONIK [1], JAMM [2] and LYLAC [3].

TONIK [1] has been formulated to enhance the vibrant acidity of your coffee and will impart a crisp, intense, and juicy kick to your brew.

JAMM [2] has been formulated to enhance the richness and depth of your coffee and will accentuate the lingering sweetness and creamy mouthfeel of your brew.

LYLAC [3] has been formulated to enhance the delicate and floral characteristics of your coffee, ensuring an elegant, refined and graceful addition to your brew with a silky mouthfeel.

Each 20mL bottle of mineral concentrate allows for approximately 30 brews.

How to use: 

Shake the bottle thoroughly for a few seconds before use.

Open the bottle and use the dropper to dose into demineralised water or directly into your coffee.

APAX Lab recommends using 3 to 4g of mineral concentrate per litre of water, or 1 to 10 drops directly into the cup.

The different profiles can be used on their own, or blended together!

APAX Lab's 2024 prototypes were used by Martin Wolfl during his winning run at the 2024 Brewers Cup Championship; as well as countless other first place winners in their national Brewers Cup. Brew like a champ as we always say.

These mineral concentrates can be used in two ways: In brew water, by adding 3 to 4 grams of concentrate per litre of demineralised or low ppm water. Or in your coffee, by directly adding from 1 to 10 drops in the cup. 

A product image of APAX Lab NANO - 20ml
A product image of APAX Lab NANO - 20ml