In the world of specialty, Peru was a once forgotten origin. With a focus on fairtrade certifications and blending as common practice, Peru was more geared towards the dark roast blend market. However, getting tossed into those blends were some super high quality coffees that stand out on any cupping table. Farmers were incentivised to put more time into producing these higher quality crops for more money and more resources.

Peru has ten growing regions, with Cajamarca being the most prosperous - sitting at 2000 masl; however it’s good to note that it’s not only at the higher elevations that incredible coffees are being produced, with many gems being grown at 1600 masl and even lower!

When we’re looking for a coffee from Peru we like to go for the ones that are bright, crisp, and refreshing. For some reason our flavour profiles for the Peru’s always turn into love letters. We’re not sure why. It’s like we taste a Peru and all of a sudden it’s a hot summers day and you’re in love and you’re outside laying on a checkered blanket being fed plump white grapes by someone that looks at you like you are already whole and everything is a dream. Then after you’ve had your sip you open your eyes again and actually you’re just sitting in your kitchen-cum-office and you still haven’t had a text back.

Anyway here’s some Peru’s we’ve had over the past years. Cool.

*buy our current offering from this region here* 


There are four producers involved in this cup, and only 10 families in the whole of Paltay - which is a pretty good ratio of producers to residents. Making a living from growing coffee, granadilla, and hot peppers; the people of Paltay live without immediate access to schools or medical centres or shops, but benefit and revel in a quiet, peaceful life.

Sitting at an altitude of 1900 - 2000 masl, the Paltay community grow Caturra, Typica, and Catuai varieties. This cup is a smooth, every day drinker with notes of red apple, milk chocolate, and plum.

The thing with legends is that they stick around. Much like this coffee which is coming back to us for the third time running. The legend associated with this coffee is the legend of the giant snake of Puno - Quira. A snake as wide as a road, passing through the forest to create a pathway for the transportation of gold, later rubber, and now of course - coffee.

As clean and juicy as ever, this Bourbon was grown at 1800 - 2000 masl and fills the cup with lemon and floral notes, alongside some red berry.


Our second Peruvian microlot in a series of 3 from Cultivar, this is a bright, sweet coffee with notes of apricot, golden kiwi, and sugar cane - sometimes it’s good to go straight in with that sort of info when something is so simply, delightfully, plainly, brilliant.

The community of Cruz Pata is in Puno, a culturally rich area known as the capital of Peruvian folklore - with over 350 traditional dances. I only know about 5 dances, and I wouldn’t even call them dances, I would call them “moves” and even then it’s more… moveMENTS of the body. Anyway, try not to get bogged down in it.

The farmer of this coffee, Flavio Cccori Soncco works with his family on the production of only high quality lots. Soncco’s last name also means “heart of gold” in Peruvian, which is the way Cultivar describe him and his family (very different to my last name, which means “son of the black eyed” - kind of ominous).

The family farm Rosas Pata sits at 1780 masl, and in 2022 their coffee came in the top 40 of the Cup of Excellence, pushing them even further into their journey of producing super high quality lots.

The Cruz Pata community is an abundant one, where the people grow not only coffee but also papaya, banana, citrus and avocado; respect for the environment and their surroundings is echoed throughout their culture with gratitude dances to mother nature.
Sitting at 1950 - 2060 masl, this washed Bourbon comes from a location renowned for its high and cold lands and high quality coffees.
Apricot and green apple line the cup, balanced with an elegant, clean finish. A delicious washed Peruvian coffee.

Brown sugar, cream, light and bright without the acidity… that’s a good coffee. That’s an every-day drinker if ever there was one. And dare I say it, that’s a near perfect espresso.
This Peruvian coffee was grown at 1700 - 1950 masl, made up of the varieties Caturra, Typica, Bourbon, Costa Rica 95, and Catimor; from a picturesque village called La Huaca. A community lot from a group of producers spread over Huabal, the namesake of this coffee.