..goes a long way. For a long time, coffee was El Salvador’s largest export - making up 90% of the country’s exports during the early 1900s. This changed in the 1970s after the breakout of a civil war; but the country regained its stability and its contemporary status as an origin country is one of prestige and quality. El Salvador is the smallest of the Central American nations, producing 546,000 sacks annually. But with homegrown varieties like Pacas and Pacamara, their coffees are always in high demand - aided by the fact high quality farming has a prevalence in the country. Bringing in the new era of coffees was a priority for the El Salvadoran government, and in 2015 the Salvadoran Coffee Council produced a five-year plan to bolster the position of Salvadoran coffees to the international market. It worked. The coffees we pick from El Salvador are always an incredible cup, we love the lots that are full of boozy funkiness and stone fruits.